@THM80 sigh which is why multiplats are going to be more common next gen. most game developers are going to probably invest in a commercial game engine like unreal 4, while the big publishers make their own and then port it across the board. which is cool because that leaves room for the console makers to fund games which will do their system justice. Sony did this for the ps3 and i worked out well for them in the long run. if anything the arcade structure will get beefed up and more low budget games will be direct download and if Kickstarter has anything to say about it we may even see genres come back if these games deliver on their investments. Nintendo doesn't factor anywhere into this equation do they. this is why ppl are worried for them. they don't have a clear online strategy for next gen online titles and im not sure if gamers are going to buy full priced low budget games off a shelf when there are low budget titles online on other consoles for less. You can argue that nintendo has their entire library to offer but what does that mean to someone who has been buying nintendo since NES? nostalgia? ill take new games over nostalgia please. Nintendo doesn't need COD or FIFA or ASSASSIN'S CREED to live but it needs the ppl who do play these games. as dumb as Minecraft may look its the second most played game on the Xbox. on the FPS console Minecraft found a home. so stop making excuses for Nintendo. they need to step up and show us why we want them and you guys need to shut up with the "we dont need you" talk because if the big N fails we all lose.
@SaltyMeatballs and im pretty sure you bought all these lovely new IPs right? im sure your donkey konga is still in front your tv. If i open your disk try ill see a used Captain Rainbow. oh how many hours you must have spent playing that game. Oh and downloading Rock N’ Roll Climber from Wii-ware that was the best buy of your life. the game that defined your Wii experience
@deathblow3 i think he meant contra in a old school SNES way. i agree with josh, being a bit older, i have been gaming since Atari. ive played alot of mario in my time. sure i love mario and zelda and (old school) metroid but i also lived through the PSX era. I loved playing games that had that older single player experience. Nintendo needs to recapture the SNES days where the games made you buy the system NOT the system. you bought a SNES cause it had the best version of arcade ports, great RPGs and on top of that Nintendo exclusives.
@THM80 and is there something wrong with it being a multiplatform? Oh god forbid a company might i dont know what to make money by spreading their game around. oh burn them in hell! companies should only have one source of income and it should be from whiny self-entitled crybabies.
@Trujills I love how Nintendo lovers complain about third party companies being lazy but in the same breath say that "all they need is Nintendo game X". This is the miss message that Nintendo has been trying to fight for the past three consoles but you guys keep enforcing. so guess what you reap what you sow.
Wow! i just....WoW! im speechless. is there someone around the corner passing out ignorance and i didnt get my free sample? You know i place a lot of criticism on gaming journalism these days and the counter argument is that the game community is filled with "self-entitled" crybabies. Something which i feverishly oppose but then i read this these comments and i start to doubt myself. "All i want is...", "Nintendo doesn't need .....". I mean take a moment to understand (core Nintendo gamer) that Nintendo does not only need YOU to survive. You are a small drop in the money well. Sigh i not even going to right a paragraph to explain why. Why are all Nintendo lovers like this. I own a 360 but i dont suck M$ ball sack (maybe a little since i pay for live). A duck is a duck and a herring is a herring. I mean.....arrgggghhh!
@equinator3 Wow take a deep breath, suck a breath mint and then chill. the man isnt saying anything that isnt true. calm down, he isnt setting fire to company buildings.
@Alx1231 well Alx1231 i think you need to go have a talk with Reggie i think you missed the memo. Nobody wants third party games? but Reggie made such a fool of himself demonstrating zombie U. Whats funny is that its ppl with your attitude that will lead Nintendo into ruin and you dont even realize it.
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