virgo89 / Member

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virgo89 Blog

Out again sick.....

Well my fever is gone, but I still have a cold...hope it is gone by tomorrow.Also I am catching up on some homework I have to do, I even did my homework for this month and next month in two of my classes cause we only do health and science articles.

How are you guys?


Sorry to inform you(bad news)

I won't be on for a few days, I have a lot of work to do, and I have a bad fever, so I have to be in bed and out of school for the next few days. Hope to talk to you soon, Lance try to relax a little, and take it easy.


Yet another bad day....

I will never have a good day, thus I will always hate my life....just leave me alone today, no friend requests please...This just isn't my day.

Off to school.....

Well I am off to school, so I will try to be on later, between here ans two projects, and Lance baby I hope you read this, sorry I haven't called.I want to its just your at work or I am busy.I still love you though.

B.E.Z guys.

This past week...

My life as been hell...

Me and my so called "friend'" had a fight.I have too much work to do and haven't been able to post, So I am a little behind.Also i have to bring my grades back up, so if I am not on it means I am busy.

How was your day?

Mine was kind of cool.

  1. Got to see my 3 month old baby cuz
  2. Got to spend time with my 5 and 2 year old nephews(the 5 yr old was born on my birthday)
  3. Got rid of my sister for the day(she went out)
  4. I got to see my oldest sister, who I don't see much
  5. Also it was a nice day outside

How was your day?


Back again.....

Sorry, this darn computer was fighting with me, but I won.....I told it I was going to throw it out the window.....violence on technology works after all. ya been?


School Tomorrow....

The thought of having to back to school after spring break is depressing....Oh well 1 more month then summer vacation for me...:D

I am going to play GTA:SA some more and post a little, how is your day?


Rainy day.....

Going to be kind of boring today, guess I can play GTA:SA and post some.

Oh and by the way I am midway to level 14 and I am in the 1600 posts.

What do you think , what is your , or how is your day going to be like?