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virgo89 Blog

See ya later...

I am off to school. I have much to do to prepare for final exams, but I might still be able to post. After then, I will be on non stop, except when I am sleeping. So see you guys when I get home at 3pm.

How have you been?If in school, when do you get out?


School coming to an end....

Well I have 2 weeks and 2 days left now. We are getting ready for finals then I will be free of school til august 21. This thought makes me happy. How have you been? How is your life going?


Bad thunderstorm...

Over it it was a bad thunderstorm. The power went out like 4 times. I was mad cause I couldn't be on my computer. I had to clean the kitchen and play my game boy. I also played some Halo 2.

When you've had enough.....

I find myself slowly going insane.

Watching the days go by,

nothing to do.

So sick of my family,

I have no where to go.

I just want to know what to do,

to get the hell out of this place that makes me have great pain.

I watch the days go by,

slowly losing my mind.

I missed the bus...

I stayed home today because of it. I am now getting ready for the mothers day party we will be having. I have alot to do. Like always.


Pile of homework

I have much to get done, it is going to take a while. I am a little busy, just letting you know, I might not be able to post much or at all.

Another poem, read if you wish.

I am standing there with you.

We are in a crowd of people.

I slowly watch as you walk away,

getting a lonely feeling...

So I run after you,

but the harder I try the farther you move away.

It seems as though I will never catch you,

losing my breath running for you.

I finally stop because I have lost my spirit,

giving in to defeat, because I know I can't catch you,

and are gone,

so I slowly fade away.

Finally Saturday...

Glad its the weekend again. I have to catch up on some posting to be done. Its kind of rainy so i will be in all day. Also I have about a month of school left berfore summer vacation.

Anyway how are you?