The past few days I've seen a bit of an uproar over the Kotaku article saying that Resistance 2 is going to focus more on religion and churches and such.
Much of the hating has been coming from Anti-Sony commenters.
I'm calling Kotaku out on this BS. This is the quote from the interview with Ted Price from their website.
"We've actually made it a big focus to include more churches and now synagogues and mosques in Resistance 2"
Now this is the actual quote from the original site's interview.
(jokingly)We've actually made it a big focus to include more churches and now synagogues and mosques in Resistance 2."gamesindustry
Now let's put this crap to rest. They were joking and making light about the whole Church of Manchester fiasco.
Kotaku's BS
Actual article.
Journalism needs to have more accountability.
N4G is just as guilty for allowing this into the "news" category instead of satire.
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