I'm afraid I can't post clickable links yet, my "Insert/edit link" is blocked. But if you can make the effort to copy/paste, I'm open to all friend requests :)
All the time. If people want to go with me, all the better, but I go to a concert for the music, so I don't mind! In fact I'd say the best shows I've seen, I've seen them alone.
Plus, shows are great to meet new people because everyone attending a particular concert has a common interest, so conversations are really easy to start :D
what by stephen king isnt the best ?, stephen king is teh king of horror, along with george romero
The king of horror? Honestly, I've always seen him as the Bill Gates of horror. That's not meant to be a bad thing, the guy has an incredible talent for characterization, I just think he's grown pretty commercial over the years. Not quite a sellout but...
If you ask me, the kings of horror are Poe and Lovecraft. And I actually think Stephen King would tell you the same thing :P
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