Last level (spoilers (DUH)! Looks really good! I really love the scene around 3 minutes in! Just looks great! Huge enviroments, that's what Halo is about! And that level just looks awsome
ARMA 2 Duke Nukem 3 Darkness 4 Halo 5 Half Life 6 Ghost Recon 7 Team Fortress 8 Battlefield 9 Chronicles of Riddick 10 Painkiller 11 Quake 12 Rainbow Six 13 Doom 14 Perfect Dark 15 Serious Sam 16 Mercenaries 17 Time Splitters 18 Conduit, The 19 Wolfenstein 20 Delta Force 21 Vanquish 22 Gears of War 23 Bioshock 24 Golden Eye 25 Red Faction 26 Tribes 27 Dark Forces 28 Unreal 29 Just Cause 30 SOCOM 31 Battlefront 32 Borderlands
I imported a character from Mass effect 2 and never got to choose between 'action, RPG or story mode'.
In the beginning i thought it would be RPG mode (all dialogue options and action) but shepard answers alot of questions by himself when being in conversation?
Didn't like it that much Uncharted2 was much better. I hated how lineair the game was ..... and what's with SPOILER that with where you search for the city in the dessert? Just walking for 2 minutes, and then the game cuts to another scenery where you just do the same ...
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