Already been there with AVP 2, does Gamespot not remember a classic like that? Total master piece but I guess they don't care about games that where not on a shitty console!
Huh? You for real? COD gets loads of attention, why I don't get it, to me it's rubbish! This crazyness for FC is the same as COD I don't get it, there set in real type situations that's the comparison, and I hate games like that... I WANT FANTASY!
I own FC 1+2 ... 1 was not to bad, but 2 was complete rubbish to me! This looks like both of these in one game! I don't like all this real world rubbish it bores me stupid! I play games to see things I could never experiance or seen! This I could go to South America and try this on for size!
I just don't get the story lines these days. I don't give a shit about Pirates, Rebels, Tribes or Gorillas in some third world setting, with piss poor buildings. The worse thing about these FC games is the shitty real world type weapons. Imagination? I don't care about real world stuff, that's why I play games to get away from what I see on the telly everyday! This is like CoD but in a jungle totally, BORING!
vongroove's comments