@HitmanDante @vongroove Shut up? I was there was "Star Wars" was released in the cinema I bought the toys, the board games the micro machines the games on the Amstrad 464, the Nes, Snes Pc the arcade mahcines before all this KOTR crap! THAT is what stars was is about! Then a little burk like you comes along and tell s I don't know what i'm on about HA!
What is Star Wars? Let me tell you what Star Wars is Star Wars, Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back, and Star Ware The Return of the Jedi... THAT'S STAR WARS!
What Nintendo did was get people who don't play games into buying there console! 8/10 people I asked (and it was a lot I worked in a call centre) told me they had the wii extra controllers board and wii sports that's it! Look at the amount of money they made out of someone who will play it now and then!
All the others want to CASH in on that! That's why it changed the industry!
they all want that slice instead of focusing on gamers get the people who want something quirky to use and make loads of money. Nintendo did a brilliant job, I still think the wii is a great product make for none gamers and that makes me sad! But makes them a s*** load of money!
What did we love about Star Wars? Jedi's, Tie's, X-wings, Chewie, Obi Darth! Anything other is not Star Wars! It's just a cash cow for Mr Lucas! It's in the "Star Wars universe" No I don't want that and Licas Arts can go chew Nenums ears off before I buy another cash crap SW games!
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