[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="RandomGSer"] You have 17k posts and a beasty rig. You must be fairly into gaming. SURELY its not to much to ask you to take FIVE MINUTES and learn how to use a dedicated server browser. The browser in CoD4 was never perfect but using the filters and add to favourites button you can get at least a few populated servers up of your fave gametype/maps in SECONDS. In the long run it will save you literally HOURS of wasted lobby time. l2pfpsSF_KiLLaMaN
Dude i am not an idiot. I have been playing CS with dedis since 1.4. I already explained, last time i checked, the browser is filled with mods. Same goes for counter strike. Unless you got a server in your favorites, its next to impossible to find what you need. I'm pretty sure you can turn mods off with the filter in CoD 4....
In fact, it defaults to off, so unless you manually change it yourself, you would never find modded servers in the first place.
To Dakan45,
If you seriously think CoD4's multi-player sucks because it has too many modded servers, then you are kidding yourself. One of the biggest advantages of PC gaming is the ability to customize your game. If you don't want to play modded servers, don't play them, it may take a minute or two to set up your filters and find a decent server, but that's the exchange you make on PC. If you want the console experience, get yourself and Xbox with a XIM3, plug it into your monitor, and boom, you will have console gameplay with keyboard+mouse for every game you'd want. There are thousands of servers in CoD4 without mods and thousands with them,
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