I bought an xbox 360 from a guy on craigslist. On the AC Adapter and the back of the system, there is chinese writing on it. I'm wondering if this is normal or not. Did i just buy a chinese xbox 360?
I find that my PSP has very low audio on the speakers when running UMD movies. I tried playing XXX, XXX: state of the union, and Crash, but when I play it the audio is too low. Dialogue isn't loud or clear enough for me to listen to. Yet when I run MP3's the volume is perfectly loud enough. Does anyone have this problem?
ok, I'm looking at the DS's 2008 Q1 line-up and it's huge with new games released week after week. Ok, they might mostly be crap just like a ton of DS games are. it's still better than having nearly nothing.
And i'm looking at the PSP's 2008 Q1 line-up and judging just on the Gamespot release dates, it's very bleak. Seems like there's going to be weeks maybe even months before releases are coming out for PSP. You can point to GOW and that FInal Fantasy game, but those are just 2 titles. The DS seems like it's getting a glut of games. Somebody pointing out that how can a great system be getting so many bad games. I want to add, it's getting very few games too. Why is this happening? People are buying the system, PSP sales are very good. but no games.
The reason I ask is that I'm seeing a lot of bad games released on the PSP right now, and not much of anything coming this year. Sure, there's always the movie-tie-in titles, multi-platform releases, but 2008 doesn't look good for the PSP. The last few months have been slim pickings too. I thought Sony was abandoning their baby and starting new with another PSP. Still It's fun to imagine what the PSP 2 would be like.. it might have a touch screen, keyboard, big hard drive.
After skimming through your responses, I'm staring to think it is too early for the PSP 2.
PSP is nearly dead as far as i'm concerned. From the look of it right now, 2008 looks like a barren desert for the PSP. Just prepare the the drought and you'll be fine.
3 years is a long time for a system that's supposed to be technologically advanced.
The PSP had a clear advantage when it came out originally. It had really amazing graphics for a hand-held. But now all the psp games aren't as impressive as they once were.
Whatever the case may be, It's exciting to think that they can make a PSP 2 that would top the PSP. Can you imagine what that system would be like? Graphics that are at least 2X better than the original XBOX, 100 gb internal hard drive, maybe a keyboard to search the internet with.
Do you guys think the PSP 2 will be coming soon? PSP is getting sorta old now, and it's getting a bit stale. Few games are being released for it and the graphics processors aren't as impressive as it used to be.
perhaps Sony will make the announcement this year about it?
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