I was impressed by a lot of things about the original. While I don't consider it to be a great game, it showed a ton of potential for a sequel. So I was gratified to learn they would, in fact, be making a sequel, and from what's been trickling out the past month or two I'd say, "So far, so good."
I was a little surprised to see them go with a completely different visual style. Aesthetically it looks something like the forthcoming Bionic Commando, and I think the increased realism could make the stunts that much cooler. I definitely want a sequel to the BASE Jump 1000 Meters achievement!
One of the things I didn't dig about the first Just Cause was its Mercenaries-lite side mission/faction system. Two non-competing factions and repetitive (and often bugged) side missions just seemed so half-assed. But even though I'm glad to hear them say they're "ditching side missions", I'm curious as to what exactly that means and a little bit anxious to hear what's going to replace it.
Anyway, sounds like they're learning from what worked and what didn't. Here's hoping they can improve on what needed improving, and that they don't change the awesome sense of humor Just Cause had. The brief bit of dialogue between Rico and Mendoza was hysterical. :D
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