I think we all need to agree that Mario and a re-released game following some petals flying about in the wind are getting the higher scores!
It's the start of a new generation folks, give it 12 months and we'll all be thoroughly enjoying our platform of choice.
I'm switching to a PS4, and the likes of Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Media Molecule, Sony Santa Monica and Quantic Dream make me super hyped. Three of those haven't even announced their games!
Look at the general reviews for all games instead of solely focusing on individual sites and you'll find that most launch games for both consoles have been a bit piss poor.
It's the start of a new gen - it happens - get over it!
All this talk about Call of Duty (bearing in mind the amount of hate the title has got) is slightly ridiculous.
Fact of the matter is Activision couldn't max out the game for either console, yet other developers can. Killzone runs at 1080p 60fps; yes it may be an internal studio - but it's the sheer fact a next gen game actually handles that well that matters.
The Last of Us was only 720p and that game got some of the highest scores this generation, that's not to say higher-res doesn't matter, more the fact games at 720p can still be damn good.
Nonsense aside though.... Naughty Dog are going to destroy any potential competition with their next title in terms of visuals. That's a fact ;)
@Dragonbob76 I think the issue is more to do with the fact it's a next-gen console.. The Last of Us was 720p and was hailed as one of the best games of the generation, to not see a definition improvement however when spending upwards of £300/$400 is a bit of a kick in the teeth.
PC gaming is too expensive for me, that's my main issue. If I was a rich man though then yes, i'd likely consider it.
Naughty Dog is also owned by Sony and exclusive to the 'inferior' consoles, kind of a huge deal to me. Unless something happens there I'll quite happily be labelled as inferior :P
I'm still confused as to who it's trying to target. PC gamers have their super-rigs whereas console gamers are usually happy with what they've got anyway - hence not making the leap to PC.
The choice to go over to Valve's tech is cool an all, but can it provide the exclusives only available on consoles? No, likely not. It's the Uncharted's and Halo's etc. that have kept me a console gamer the past two generations. Steam gaming may look to be good, but on a personal level I probably wouldn't be as pleased with the games on offer.
I wish Valve well, but meh... It's likely not for me.
(p.s. doesn't an open platform also increase the likelihood of players cheating via mods and hacks?)
@kingcrimson24 Can't afford both my man. I'll be buying a house next year with the mrs and getting a new car next month. Saving saving saving! If I had to choose the one I prefer Sony's exclusives, that's all there is to it.
@Monsterkillah Ha. I forgot about Killer Instinct admittedly! It looks well polished, but it's only really a mini fighting game if we're being honest, barely enough characters to keep me interested, not to mention the fact the pricing strategy is plain annoying :/
I also SUCK online so would get whipped. Hahaha. Good luck though! :)
warhawk-geeby's comments