If people have mental issues and can get hold of a gun this shit is going to happen regardless. That's all there is to it.
Have stricter gun laws US and you'll see a world of difference. In Britain we're playing the same games and watching the same films.. Do these mass shootings happen to the same scale or frequency? Hell no.
It aggravates me SO much when people just look at the wrong issue here.. You may be proud of your freedom and the right to bear arms but look at what it actually does for your country! Sweet feck all.
All those folks that said they wouldn't buy the new call of duty have realised that there isn't actually a better option for multiplayer FPS. I hate the repetitiveness of Call of Duty but it's a fact that can't be denied..
I've resisted buying it myself so far, but the sales clearly show even the hardest of us are starting to crumble..
@Xilonix @aovannor Haha.. That comment made me laugh. The bloody things should have been resilient in the first place! Releasing a console prone to over-heating was outrageous in my opinion.. They should have tested the thing more.
I can't say I particularly approve of the fine.. because to be fair to Sony in the aftermath they seriously tried hard to please their customers. They new they were in the wrong and offered everyone free games as a sorry.
What annoys me more however is the fact the UK Information Commissioner's Office will be receiving £250k, not the people that were actually affected. Why should ICO reap the benefits here? I wouldn't want to see Sony lose anything personally but if money has to go somewhere it should go to the customers, not a branch of the government.
warhawk-geeby's comments