Words cannot actually explain how hyped I am for this game. Naughty Dog have been my favourite developer this generation and the fact they're doing a survival game just blows everything else out of the water..
Offering different items depending on which edition you buy is slightly aggravating though.. I'd rather just have the whole hog and release whatever else DLC for who wants it :/
@Stonecutters908 Guys guys guys guys guys... My comment basically said I generally don't like Nintendo's games all that much, and yet that's all they keep offering me. I'll take your arguments and digest them, but it's not enough to change my opinion. Mario and Zelda have been floating that company for ever, and they're two franchises I'm not particularly fond of. Each to their own though!
Any other company would get seriously blasted for releasing the same games year after year... Nintendo though? Folks seemingly love it!
I'm not really arsed either way, but it's the repetition of games which put me off Nintendo's consoles. Zelda doesn't fuss me, and Super Mario I couldn't care less about.. I love Mario Kart and Pikmin, but those two titles aren't enough to warrant investment.
This is actually hilarious. I love how people got that depressed over Dante changing his hairstyle that Capcom have now released DLC to rectify the problem!
warhawk-geeby's comments