I grew up playing Command and Conquer and GTA mostly, which my dad bought for me when I was 10 years old. A full 8 years before I should have legally been playing GTA.. To no effect.
I personally feel if you're a bit loose in the head (aka criminal material) then games will probably make matters worse, but the argument of gaming affects us all is likely nonsense.
One thing I will say however is thanks to video games my survival skills in general have no doubt been increased drastically. Zombie Apocalypse, Hostage Situation.. Compared to someone that doesn't play games (and hasn't received training) i'd imagine we'd all have a better chance of survival? I know games aren't real, but a lot of the information and tactics used in them is pretty soundly based.
They teach us things yes, but do they make us violent.. no. You'd already have to have a violent personality.
Nahh, it's just getting that way with these games. The image is moving, but you've seen it that often over the past few years it's starting to burn to your retinas.
There's my highly independent and soundly based medical report.
warhawk-geeby's comments