It all looks very beautiful an all.. but I can't help keep thinking you're going to get attacked every 2 seconds when trying to 'explore'. Men.. tigers.. (hopefully not malaria to go with it!)
That was my one gripe with FarCry 2, exploration was just one ball-ache after another.
"Just remember eh, none of our guys out there know you're working for us.. just a heads up friend."
I want this game, but I'm going to read a few reviews first before I do.
To be completely honest even if you have clean minerals they'll still get processed by a 10 year old kid in Asia.
The world survives on the misfortune of others, it's a sad truth but it has done since man first walked the planet.
I'm all for Human Rights obviously, but the governments of the world are the one's to sort the problems out, not the companies using them. It's all money money money. Mass production would be up sh*t creek if the western world demanded better working conditions. It's just not going to happen.
@skunkpants All depends on the games I think. Uncharted 3 ran seamlessly from one moment to the next, using cut-scenes as loading screens. I don't think it's necessary the console causing the problems, more likely the developers and porting.
I want a vita desperately, and i've got the funds to do so.. but unfortunately until I see more support for the thing i'm not buying.
I suppose that's the main problem though, until numbers pick up developers won't invest.
In my opinion they need to push the crossplay feature MUCH more. If Fifa 13 had cross play and you could take your career on the go with you i'd be sold. Unfortunately EA want two separate games though (monies).
Killzone has perked my interest, but it'll likely take something on the lines of Monster Hunter to actually get me going. If Pokemon was on the vita I'd buy one in a snap!
@XanderZane I don't own one, but I've played one enough to put me off the thing, so much potential but focused on the casual. It needs a good RTS game. Couldn't agree more with the Move comment though, I've owned one for a while and still only have sports champions, that thing died of death. Motion gaming overall should have just stayed as an 'idea'.
@zeifel I miss proper expansion packs :( Had an argument on here last week with a guy saying "Modern DLC is no different to how it used to be". It's the gamers like that which aren't helping any of us. We need to go backwards!
warhawk-geeby's comments