As soon as Naughty Dog announced The Last of Us I was made happy... again..
Exclusives are a shame because it means some gamers miss out on some of the best moments in a generation, but considering the aging PS3 really isn't even that expensive anymore there actually isn't an excuse.
It's worth picking one up for the back catalogue of games, never mind the ones set for next year.
Microsoft is great if you like Gears and Halo, but Sony just offers much much MUCH more. You'd have to be disillusioned to not admit that one.
@GT_APE Ahhhhh I thought that with FarCry 2. Got boring reaaaal quick! Especially when trying to find the diamonds. I think I gave up for fear of my health! :p
I still wish they'd return to Vice City to be honest, I'm looking forward to GTA V a hella lot (they're my favourite ever franchise hands down), but the 80's vibe just has so so so so SO much more to offer. Anyone that says San Andreas was the best out of them all is just a fool!
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