I'd honestly only buy this console for Pikmin.. because I love it.The tablet controller though still remains one major turn off :(
Well I sure as hell love my Pixar films, so this is only good news.Whether they can make me like Baird or not remains to be seen. Blonde haired twat.
This game is actually fascinating..How it all works is essentially witchcraft in my eyes, it shouldn't even be possible.MASSIVE round of applause to CCP, they're effectively changing the way we game forever. Can't wait to get involved :)
@stan_boyd I cannot actually believe you said that :| Story is definitely the most important part of a game, i figure you're fairly new to gaming though so I'll let you off.
Absolutely 100% sold.I was just about to buy Journey and then I read about this last week, it looks outstanding.Great price and a great package.Finally have something to look forward to again for 2012's gaming :)
Well to be completely honest....In my opinion EA turned Burnout into NFS with the whole free-roam nonsense, the best for me was still Burnout 3.Now Criterion are in full control of NFS maybe that'll turn to Burnout?Here's hoping anyway! My favourite racer was destroyed this gen by EA's money grabbing antics :P
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