Actually feel quite let-down by this.. I'm starting to think I'd built my hopes up a little too much :(
A huge explosion in the market and it takes 10 seconds for people to start screaming and running? Pretty sure something like that would cause instant panic..
Anyway, looks alright. Not quite what I'd have thought though.
@Scorpion1813 Hmm I don't know.. It's an open-world game where you play an Assassin. To be honest i'd rather compare to either Deus Ex or a modern Assassins Creed. Yes there's the 'being chased by the police' element, but that's already present in the Assassin's Creed games really.
Grand Theft Auto maybe open-world, but the genre of game itself is entirely different. They're usually about gangs, drugs and the American Dream, Watch Dogs however appears far more in line with Deus Ex.
Ha. I love how awkward the first 30 seconds were :D
I've mentioned before about the whole 'realism' thing with health re-gen and all that, but to be honest once I played the original Medal of Honor I was blown away by the actual story.
Unlike Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo & Killzone etc.. Medal of Honor actually followed a story which was based on true events. I remember reading that the missions which the gamers were playing were based on real-life operations by members of the special forces. And it showed.
There was one particular mission where you're pinned down in a valley in the Helmand Province under heavy fire, you and all your buddies are desperately holding out, running out of ammunication whilst getting totally shot to bits by AK's, LMG's and RPG fire. Then at the last minute when the whole world around you seemed to collapse, two Apache helicopters appear over the ridge to provide support.
That moment right there absolutely nailed the realism for me, it was ridiculous. There was a real sense of urgency and you honestly felt powerless. No over-the-top 'blockbuster' moments, and missions that actually felt believable.
It's for that reason why I know I'm buying the next Medal of Honor on day one. Regardless of Tom's views!
@spiceynice Nah that's fair enough. I appreciate that. But with Kev being a self-confessed lover of RPG's surely there's going to be a little bit of bias in there?
This isn't me having a dig at Dragon's Dogma by the way, because I think it looks pretty decent. It's more just a call for consistency between the reviews and the reviewer.
Not actually as hyped for this as I thought I would be.. It just looks a bit out of the ordinary compared to Skyrim itself (if that's possible :p)
I don't mind DLC, and fair play to Bethesda for actually doing an entire expansion pack.. but the whole dark vampirey thing doesn't really do it for me.
warhawk-geeby's comments