Well there's two ways of looking at this article..
If it's true then it kinda sucks because I'm nowhere near done yet with this gen. Give it until 2014 at least and then fine.
However, if it is true than kudos to Sony for seeing the error of their ways. When they announced an 'always online' console where games are only purchased online I complained like a mad man on steroids. All over the world the internet is still not up to the strength it should be and my connection in the UK seriously gets crap from time to time. If would have been near impossible for me to actually play the thing.
If it does come out next year i'll buy one, but i'd rather not have to yet.
No doubt at all the Last of Us will be brilliant, Naughty Dog have given me my favourite ever franchise with Uncharted and that's saying a lot. Looking forward to E3 a hell of a lot this year.
@SolidTy As I said to the guy below it's likely because they're just focusing their money on next gen. Microsoft know better than anyone that they'll be fighting a losing battle in the near future because they just haven't got the backing of exclusive studios. For that reason none of the gamers are seeing an investment of their cash lately.
I'm sure all these guys will beg to differ though. Rose tinted glasses an all that :p
Sorry if this doesn't reach you, these comments boxes act all screwy from time to time and it's deleted your name :/
If you're happy with your current library that's fine, the only comment I was making is aside from the exclusives in terms of kinect and XBL they've all dried up.
Halo is on it's way again thanks to 343 studios, an Bungie have declared a year's timed exclusive to their new game, but aside from timed exclusive deals Microsoft just aren't stumping up the cash - especially considering how much they're making.
It's likely because they're focusing on the next gen, but unfortunately for the gamers they're being left with little to look forward to specifically for that console.
@RitsukoEX Who said anything about being a fan of Sony? Is there anything what-so-ever in that statement that points at either party? I'd argue not. I was merely stating an opinion.
All I'm after is the AI actually running-on or towards the ball when you pass it. At the moment they stand like statues unless you physically do it yourself. I'd also like the AI to stick their foot out when the ball goes straight past them.. sometimes they're off-screen when the ball is first hit and therefore you can't see them to do it yourself!
Little things like that need tweaking, anything else is just a bonus :)
@n0matter In all honesty a game which they've actually created themselves I don't know, but at least when they do develop their games they try new things - they try to push the boundaries and experiment.
All Activision do is rinse and repeat the ever aging 'successful formula'. For that reason I give SE respect where they're due.
warhawk-geeby's comments