Not suprising. Most games aren't worth the $60 price tag. Doesn't help they all ways use older code that doesn't reflect the final product fully. But still if your game sucks and people try it and realize it sucks good for them. Drop the prices or lose sales simple as that.
wazzap76's forum posts
I think the cloud is. It's successfully fooled millions of dumb people that something new and innovative is attatched to their devices but in reality it's the same shit that's allways been there, just under a different name.
Videos like the ones posted make zero sense. What difficulty is this? They don't mention so I assume it's on normal or even easy in which case this kind of shit happens since most people aren't good enough at video games to have AI that goes beyond that.
I played this game on hard with listen mode off the first time I played it and I have to say non of the things that were shown in the videos on the front page ever happened to me.
Ya no thank you. I hate that horrible look. All those useless boxes or tiles that remind me of how much I really do hate modern day computer and electronic software. The start menu they totted as coming back isn't even their in any functioning form it just throws you back in the "Modern UI". Hell the only reason they are making this their new focus is to try to get people to buy from their app store like they do from apple or Google, and take 30% of the profits of the sales. Too bad their apps are horrible and less then 60% on pc open even 2 a day and 40% of people don't even use 1 a day on tablet.
Goes to show most people don't like the new direction. I am one of them. Go back to improving upon what you had in windows 7 without this ment for touch bull and I will gladly buy it. I want an operating system for my desktop or laptop meant for that only, not all devices making it harder to do work or do basic tasks with almost zero benefit. This is just one more step into them trying to close of their operating system and monopolize on the sale of "Apps" so they can eak out more profit.
Would have thought everything he brought up to be obvious but there are a lot of dumb people out there.
No. I'm building a new computer in the 2000 price range in about two weeks.
No. I'm building a new computer in the 2000 price range in about two weeks.
I'll be honest & say I don't fully understand the "cloud".
It's new to me so I'd like to see how it will be implemented on the xbox one in future
If you've never heard of the cloud then how are you replying on here? Since the cloud is just the newest buzzword they thought people would gravitate to instead of saying servers and the internet. The cloud is not new it's been around since the interent was created. It's called servers, computers and connections lines. The cloud is nothing more then PR spin to make people believe shit that has existed for years is now magically an innovation that revoultionizes the industry.
I looks interesting and I'd buy it but only if it didn't require Uplay.
Ya it's linear but so are most games on a console besides a select few tittles.
I really recommend this game on hard with listen mode off. I started playing it that way, and this game has turned out to be one of the best games I have played in a very long time. You can't really get a scope of the ai playing the damn game on normal with listen mode on. Turn the wall hack off, crank op the AI and actually challenge yourself.
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