I have been against this kind of ting in the living room for awhile. I have been overly vocal about it for months now and what I thought the camera was going to be used for turns out to be exactly what I thought it would. A camera that is used to track and collect data on it's users 24/7 and use that data to better sell and advertise too those people. Why this isn't getting more red flags by various groups is beyond me but the thing has no place in my living room. Nothing with facial recognition or anything else to do with camera tracking will ever be in my home. Tech like this is how large companies get tracking technology as normal as any other tech and it's a precursor to this kind of shit in every facet of our lives and it's something I want zero part of.
wazzap76's forum posts
I didn't realize a GTX 770 was coming out I heard about the 780 though. I can wait off till it comes out I'm in no large rush. Ya I can switch it to a more powerfull power supply I'll just have to see if I can find one cheap. Also I was going to get a terabyte eventually just not right off the bat.
Hey everyone so I'm building a new pc this summer and I was going to do it on a budget of 1500 now this is what I have so far without looking for deals. I was hoping you guys could look it over suggest changes or better deals if possible. I really just need an opinion as I still need to put a case keyboard and mouse into the build and I'm all ready over budget .K so I've narrowed it down a lot but still haven't searched for to many deals so I am still over my price range by a little bit. But I'll post what I have so far and price that this site gives me.
CPU-http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80637i53570k $219.98
Motherboard- http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asrock-motherboard-z77extreme4m $129.99
Memory-http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmv8gx3m2a1600c11 $59.99
Storage- http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz7pc256bww $159.99
GPU- http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-gtx680dc24gd5 $499.99
Power Supply- http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cmpsu500cxv2 $49.99
Windows 7- http://pcpartpicker.com/part/microsoft-os-gfc02050 $89.94
Monitor- http://www.amazon.com/BenQ-Official-Monitor-RL2455HM-24-Inch/dp/B007HSKSMI/ref=cm_rdp_product $219.99
Case- Still trying to figure this out hard to decide.
Keyboard- Still searching for a decently designed mechanical one but can't don't know what I really want since there are so many different kinds of keys not sure what's good for what.
Mouse-still looking though I want wired and ergonomically designed. Thanks for your help in advanced.
I am a fan of sony's consoles but threatened is by far the farthest from how I feel. I have zero stake in any of these machines so I couldn't care less who does better but I would hope the one that treats it's userbase better would. That being said sony does have a larger and better suited 1st party studios collection compared to microsoft so I don't see them blowing anyone out the water.
Besides I'm in the processes of building a pc for gaming so I am not really interested in either of them at the momment especually the xbox.
I disagree. Dragons dogma is one of the worst put together rpgs I have ever played. Combat wasn't flushed out enough often suffered from glitches, same with the hole game in general. Things would disappear and reaper (People, monsters exc..) and frames would often drop well below 30. It's an rpg and there is basically no story your main character doesn't even talk. Mixed with a fast travel system that is completely absent in the beginning of the game (looks by design to be that way to convince you to buy what ever those stones are or gems to fast travel as they advertise them before you start the damn game.
This game came out as a broken mess a complete cash grab that wasn't finished. Worst RPG I have played in years, it is not underrated if anything it's overrated the games a piece of shit.
Well reading the games you've mention no damn wonder you feel like they are missing something. None of those games has anything that inovates or makes itself stand out from any of the other games in the same genres. Assasins creed kind of is it's own thing but every single one of those games felt shallow, slow to get started and in general boring games anyway. The new gears game was a cash grab and so was the new halo game. Try not playing sequals. All those games do lack something that I can never put my finger on but they aren't horrible. Maybe your just bored of the same old gameplay? Try games that aren't sequals and branch out from the main AAA games marketed to 15yr boys who want to kill shit on screen.
I live in canada so ya the canadian dollar would be the currancy. Im willing to spend about a 1000. I want a machine that is going to be able to last for the next few years no problems.
Hey everyone so I'm wanting to make myself a whole new computer. Now I know how to put one together but I'm not all that great with knowing what's what for pats and types of hardware. So I need advice on what to buy what goes good together. I want to spend about 1000 and am willing to spend 500 or a little more on a gpu. Any help would be much appreciated thx.
Also Should I wait on buying an expensive GPU? Say till the cheaper cousins of the titan come out?
SKyrim is way better. Combat is not as good as Dragons dogma but if you play with bows and magic it plays a 1000 times better then with actual swords and shit. I feel they ment it to better reflect the magic in the game then the actual swords axes and such I found it played more like a shooter when you werent stuck up close with a blunt object.
Hey everyone. So I'm running on some old integrated graphicscard called the Geforce 6150se. I've been trying to play X3 Reunion but it drops in frames a lot and I'm playing on lowest settings. I was wondering if there was a way to maybe upgrade drivers for the gpu or maybe the game. I'm not all that fluent in computers so would that even work? And if so where would I find them since I'm not comming up with anything right now.
So I guess what I'm really wanting is to get the most I possibly can out of this old chip. Is there any way to get it to do a little more?
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