It looks like this generation will end with Xbox 360 and PS3 about equal with the Wii having destoyed them both in terms of sales. The Wii-U has already launched the next generation but I don't see it matching the Wii's success. This gen, the 360 had the advantage of a year's headstart along with serious hardware failures for rushing the console to market. The PS3 started off slow due to a ridiculous price tag that Sony wouldn't drop. When they did, the console started selling much better. Let's hope both learned their lessons.
@JuggaloZero Most of these gun nuts envision themselves as being some kind of gun-blazing hero if nefarious people come to attack them in their homes. The fact is, gun owners are more likely to be injured by their own firearms in an accident or have their own guns used against them if such a home invasion does occur. Furthermore, far too often children gain access to the guns and hurt or kill themselves or others. Personally, I'll take the zero percent possibility that my daughter can gain access to a gun in my home over the minute chance of a home invasion.
While I voted for Obama/Biden and believe reasonable gun control action needs to be taken, I don't believe the government should be in the business of censorship. If we censor video games, we must censor movies, if we censor movies, we must censor music, if we sensor music, we must censor art...The fact remains, people don't need assault-style rifles with 30 round clips. If that gets your jollies off, join the military - they'll outfit you for free.
That's pretty cool but, knowing Micro$oft, it'll be ridiculously expensive and poorly supported. Just like 3D TV, I'd never invest very heavily in a feature like that.
weisguy119's comments