Why doesn't anyone try to block the use of used DVD or Blu-Ray movies? Also, I can play a music CD anywhere I want - they aren't locked to my own personal stereo. I say, the gaming industry is getting way too greedy for its own good. They're going to milk the cow dry. If this crap is implemented in the next console generation, I'm going striclty PC and Steam sales. To hades with them.
@SirenAries , Bushnell was forced out of Atari in 1978 due to a dispute with Warner Communications (now Time Warner) over the direction of the company. He went on to found Chuck E. Cheese. Atari tanked in 1984 - 6 years after his departure.
Lolwut? It's not like Atari never did anything new and innovative. Without Atari, there'd be no Nintendo. Google Atari's history once, since you obviously have no clue as to their impact on the home video game console market. I get the feeling there are a lot of things you don't "get".
Yes! Now, there's some good news for a change. Now if we could just drop multiplayer from all games where it just feels tacked on... While some games make sense as multiplayer, most do not but they try to shoehorn it in anyway.
weisguy119's comments