I hate that "styized" word. I first feared it when connected with Dragon Age 2 and my fears were confirmed. DA2 was a huge step backwards from Dragon Age: Origins. Rocksteady, please don't ruin the Arkham series.
@brucecambell - I was actually referring to the publishers but this guy is full of it. There's no way "pretty much every FPS loses money". If they did, the whole genre would die out like rhythm games did.
I smell BS. It's just another industry insider trying to justify the high cost of games and all the DRM/DLC shenanigans. "Lose money" is just code for "didn't make us enough money to buy a yacht for our grandchild and is therefore not worth our time".
I don't buy games used but I'm getting tired of all the nonsense in this industry as well. The only business model that comes close to the video game industry is the music business and even they relented on all the DRM crap. Nobody wants to rent music for full price any more than anyone wants to rent games for full price. Drop the DRM model or I'll simply drop gaming period. I only buy about 3 games a year anyway. I don't have the time that I used to have to play games anymore so I'm very selective about what I buy. Furthermore, if the next generation of consoles prevents the use of used games, I won't buy them on principle.
I'm a skipoholic. If the dialogue in a game is not interesting, I button-mash away. If I can't mash buttons, or the spacebar, to skip boring cutscenes and/or dialogue, I probably won't bother finishing the game. I blame it on my ADD. I have zero patience.
Are the NPCs copied and pasted throughout the second game too? From the tavern screenshot above, it looks like they recycle the same handful of character models again. For me, it detracts from the story when every merchant looks the same, every barmaid looks the same, every old man looks the same, every old woman looks the same, etc., etc.
weisguy119's comments