@straightcur: Could you give us the URL where you see this happening? I haven't seen this behavior or heard of it from others, so I'll need a little help nailing it down. Would you be able to provide a screenshot showing you logged in with the "Sign in to post" message in the comment area?
Normally if you are on an article (or any page really), this would happen:
From any page on GameSpot
Click on "sign in" in the header
Provide your credentials and submit the form
The page will reload and take you back to the page you started on
You should see your profile icon in the header on the right
You should see entry boxes for comments
Are you seeing all of these happen, except for the last one?
Is there a possibility this is happening between different windows or tabs? For instance, if have GS open in two tabs and sign in on one, the other tab won't show you as signed in until you refresh the page.
@straightcur: Can you let us know what article you're seeing this on? And what exactly you're doing and what the page does, including any error messages? How is the commenting function broken - does it say you cannot comment, or is the comment box just missing?
@suicidesn0wman: I was able to verify all 3 of these. It looks like our push yesterday to fix replies had some bad side-effects. We'll get these cleaned up asap. Thanks for the report!
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