@videogameninja: I honestly didn't think Infinite would ever exist after how the end of MvC3 was handled. So on one hand, I'm happy they made another title. On the other, it's time to fire whoever decided to handle the art assets. MvC:I , while plays decently, is just straight up ugly. Just bummed to see the FGC didn't really connect with it.
The crappy part is that I'm signed up for alerts when they become available but never got one. I was awake when it was happening but am only now hearing about it :(
I'm still quite skeptical. Dangerous Golf was kind of crap and this sort of came out of nowhere in terms of development time. Moreover, a lot of the UI and vehicle design looks under cooked. Hopefully it's great and I'm wrong but...I don't know just yet.
I'm still under the guise that most people buy Apple phones just because it is an Apple phone. While they're not crappy phones by any means, I think most of their sales are just a result of "what you're supposed to buy" (status symbol too) rather than smart consumers who research features. The same goes for Beats headphones, though I would argue those are pretty crappy.
I'd say this is a step up from that Hatred game trailer that had everyone in a clamor. That said, as a Friday the 13th fan and other gore films (though calling Ft13 gore is a stretch), I'm pretty excited.
@Genchild: While I agree with you on one level, I disagree on another: Using ambient/ spacey music would be the easy and obvious choice. That's not to say it can't be used well. Take Osmos for instance: One of the best game soundtracks out there by using artists like Loscil and the like. I think using a more traditional post-rock band like 65Days is a really interesting approach.
Mostly great stuff but I still feel like Zenyatta might have some issues. I do like his health boost and increase to transcendence healing but the mobility in the ultimate is questionable until I see it in practice and the orbs will still have the same issues they had before. I still like the idea of him getting a buff when both a discord and harmony orb are active at the same time. I want to love him!
whalesex's comments