@Acillatem1993: They have, but they've always been hole up in secret meetings/ business deals. When I went to E3 in 2006, they had a huge spot on the show floor with 2 big black buses and a literal chain link fence keeping people out unless you had a business appointment. When I asked the "gatekeeper" if they were doing press interviews or if I could set up an appointment, I received a "no" and an immediate cold shoulder. I was actually quite put off by it.
@theduckofdeath: Agreed, but then what happens if it's Capcom servers causing the problem and say, one player is affected sooner than the other, causing a free win or a rage quit type scenario? Sounds specific but with how things have been going thus far, not uncommon.
The content part sucks but the online necessity for survival and story mode unlocks is absolutely ridiculous. Nothing like going through 100 rounds of survival only to find out it's all for naught. If the servers are down or you're not connected to the internet while playing, the most you're going to get out of this game is some 1 on 1 local play. Really regretting my 60 dollar investment.
@7tizz: Blame the entire industry. I can't think of a single press conference in the last 5 years from any company that didn't have the jeans and t-shirt/ blazer combo.
Haha, so many positive posts here which will soon be filled with posts about how your expectations were not met and how disappointing the show was. Video games: Nobody is ever really happy.
For me, the WoW has become something akin to a mobile game. I basically log in to make some gold and kill some time. I can't honestly recall the last time I did anything social in the game and I think this is the hard reality that Blizzard is facing. They're trying quite desperately to make the game social and engaging again but I think it's reached a point where you'd have to strip away the tons of layers they've added over the past 10 years and start fresh. I don't think Legion will save them at this point.
@jinzo9988: Same here. I'm paid through July just with gold and in retrospect, I sometimes wonder if I should have just let it expire. However, I was getting a month of game time for 23k and that seemed like too good of a deal to pass up when I had 300k sitting around doing nothing.
Love the graphic novels and this doesn't look "horrible" but I'm already questioning a lot of their style and visual effect choices. Also, why does Jesse have a goatee!?
whalesex's comments