stereotypes don't just pop out of the ground, they are based on a large group of people exhibiting the behavior. i.e.) irish people enjoy drinking, canadians love hockey, etc.
on my couch with my laptop, which is connected to my tv because going to the cinema is expensive. if i can view the same thing for free why bother viewing it at a place that will charge me 10 bucks to watch and 5 dollars for a soda. and i cant even remember the last time me and my friends watched a movie together, seems like a boring activity because you're all sitting together staring at a screen. when i'm with friends i like to do something, golf, drinking, walking around the city, not sit and pay attention to other people doing things.
i love skyyjohn he's one of my favorite youtube persons, although this lady he's interviewing is also in an older interviews of his about the life of a cougar. her opinion on what "women" want is BS because she hasn't grown up herself yet and she still wants to be in her 20's and cannot come to terms with the fact that she is 40 now.
lucky duck is both really tasty and really cheap. inb4 wine connoisseur tells me it's a s*** wine and that it doesn't have enough tannins or some pretentious thing like that.
the time me and a few friends got super hammered, stole a shopping cart to carry the one guy who was too drunk to walk, had another bud who's 360lbs hang off a stop sign and break it, stole a couple traffic cones (which are still at my old apartment), and got in a fight with two random people who tried to steal booze from my place. good night.
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