i find single player to be a relaxing change of pace!! multiplayer i'm so tensed up about winning and all that jazz, that single player is nice to sit back on my couch, relax and enjoy a few hours of play. oblivion, fallout 3, portal, orange box, assassin's creed, mass effect. try these games, they are very engaging single player wise. =D
half the fun of portal is figuring it out for yourself. ;P i haven't done coop yet, but from single player i noticed they enjoyed placing walls where you can land a portal really high up so you can only see a sliver of it, and then put one on a wall closer to your level so you can enter in through that one. it was an annoying habit they had. =(
no idea, but i'm not worried about cross support! most of my friends play on xbox 360 anyways. although i will say i beat portal 2 last night, and it was too easy but it really really funny!
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