because its easier for families, and PC's get out dated in a few years as to where a console will always play its games no matter what you don't have to worry about updating your GPU and RAM and so on to play the newest games.
white i agree with most of what you said i don't agree with the not playing there old ones. why do you think they re-release all these old games and ppl go nuts for them? but also the PC doesn't count because its always going to stay ahead because it is a PC where consoles are boren from.
i think that seeing someone we envy in pain giving us pleasure is apart of the human condition. as for the console wars, i think its good even if its annoying when you get ppl going after each other like bad political figures.
waiting to get a ps4, i got to play one there nice but i will wait till the bugs are worked out. as for fallout 4 thats awesome news to me i hope its true.
might as well put in my 2 cents, while any one having to deal with being exposed to or deal with pornagraphic issules is bad and a big problem alone. and i don't agree with it on any level or nudity in games either. i am happy some ppl are trying to help even if its all for nothing. shows there are still some good ppl out there. as for this ep... i have to say i'm honestly disappointed with ya guys. nothin else.
it seems like this is turning into a another AC they took a great game and are just over useing it... but i wont wright it off yet. 3 games is good in a series and by the 3rd its bound to start getting like this but im in games more for the story so we will see imo.
im happy for the ps4 more so though i wont be getting one right away. also as far as game pricing $60 for a new ps4 or xbox1 game sound fair if they drop new ps3 and xbox 360 games to $40.
whitejackel's comments