GTA V is macanicaly a sound game but there are many other games that do things much better i have to say Just Cause 2 and Red Dead Redemption (even though its in the old west.) as well as others. theres just to much cursing, curdeness and sexual crap in gta v to make it enjoable anymore. i tossed my copy out 2 days after i bought it. i still regreat buying it in the first place.
some zombies are ok and i know im more desensitiezed to them now then i was say 5 years ago, but i am getting tired of them everywayre i look for a foe id like some thing that is scary in the sense that its not dead and coming to get me but because its alive and smarter than me or some thing like that.
nice that they finaly have color choices and all that but i like my original vita, as for the vita tv intoresting idea but i dont see me gettting other wise why would i have gotten my vita in the first place?
whitejackel's comments