Check on the RA3 forums.... I don't understand why people don't go to the official forums first...
Yes, you can do two things, download Ubuntu and burn it to a CD and boot off of it (but don't install it!). Locate the personal data on the laptop's hard drive and then copy it over to a USB flash key. Or you use a CMOS password cracker tool - search on google.
Hey guys. I have a friend who got a laptop from his uncle whom wants the data from it's locked HDD, because, appearently, his kid went into the BIOS and put some sort of password on it, but he won't admit it. Anyways, is there anything, such as, hacking/cracking that can be done to get the data from the HDD? Thanks.ISuperGamerI
Are absolutely sure that the headsets are dead? Did you try them on another PC? Are they all the same model or different brands? Assuming that they USB headsets, did you try different USB ports?
For a problem like that, I think you are better off searching the official COD forums for other with a similar problem. At leats you will find others playing COD now that might be able to help you more...
Actually, playing a game in windowed mode is MORE demanding and requires a faster video card to be able to handle the simultaneous game graphics and Windows desktop being shown around the game display. I suggest that you upgrade your video card or play on a better PC...
You are not giving us enough info; is this a brand new PC? A used one from a friend? What are the exact specs (make & models)? It sound like a great entry level PC and gaming system depending on what you like to play, in fact I have the same basic system.
I diaagree with all negative comments being made here, I am currently playing RA3 and love it and the graphics. Yes they are a bit different at first but give it a chance and you will find that the game is still lots of fun to play. And yes I have played all the other RA series and C&C series games.
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