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#1 wiistation36000
Member since 2009 • 215 Posts

Anything Twilight! How could thatmovie make more money than Dark Knight!? The only benefit to the movie is for guys to wait outside the theater, waiting to pick up girls after the movie.

Woah, I have an entirely new outlook on the series O_O
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#2 wiistation36000
Member since 2009 • 215 Posts

Chuck Norris.

That way I could annoy the hell out of everyone I know by bragging about it all the way up to my death bed. ;)

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#3 wiistation36000
Member since 2009 • 215 Posts

[QUOTE="wiistation36000"]I suppose it could be open for interpretation, but it hints at it...

I don't know if you're religious or not but I'm going to assume you're not, so I'll put you in a believer's shoes.

The creator of the universe has just said he's given you fruit for food. Don't you think he intends for you to eat it.foxhound_fox

It doesn't "hint" at anything. You are reading way too far into it, and placing meaning where there is no meaning. It is a simple statement about trees that bear fruit are indeed things for us to eat. That is all.

I'm not religious no. What does a creator's intention for us to eat it have to do with its benefits? What if this creator is malevolent and wishes us harm? Should we infer benefits from this sole verse if we don't know the intentions of the creator?

Maybe the creator wants us to be healthy. That would depend on the situation, but seeing as fruit IS indeed good for you...

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#4 wiistation36000
Member since 2009 • 215 Posts


No it doesn't... it tells us that "trees that bear fruit will be our food." It is a common sense observation.

Science doesn't have to verify that trees that bear fruit will be our food. Unless you define science as simply as "observation."


I suppose it could be open for interpretation, but it hints at it...

I don't know if you're religious or not but I'm going to assume you're not, so I'll put you in a believer's shoes.

The creator of the universe has just said he's given you fruit for food. Don't you think he intends for you to eat it?

I used to eat fruits long before we made up any kind of religion dude. What are you talking about? We didn't need religion to proceed and eat fruits...

Dude, how old are you?? O_O

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#5 wiistation36000
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1) How can you interpret that to mean that "fruit is good"? All it says is "fruit shall be your food." It doesn't say anything about it being "healthy," "beneficial" or "good for you."
2) Religion can never tell us "why" those things are "good" or "bad" for us. Does religion tell us that if we don't eat fruit that we will get scurvy? Does it explain how the body gets scurvy if it is deficient of Vitamin C?


No, but it tells us we should eat it, whereas this was rejected for a very long time until science verified it.

It says to eat fruit because that is what humans have been eatign sicne they became humans and for some time previously as well. Fruit is natural. Merely because someone in history stated that you should eat fruit does not mean that they knew the health benefits. There are many ancient beliefs regarding different types of fruit. Various physicians also knew of the benefits of fruit in ancient times. They didn't know what occurred within the body they saw the result of not eating it. Our bodies have the genetic code to produce vitamin C internally. However this gene is turned off, as it is with all primates. This is more than likely because our ancient ancestors began eating fruit many eons ago. I'm fairly certain beliefs also come from fuit ragrding it's oneness with nature and it's natural growth.

Are you sure that person didn't know the health benefits? I'm not saying he/she did, but it's possible. Similar to how the Bible's sanitation laws "fit the boot" for today's scientifically proven sanitation concepts.

Read this before you deny it.

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#6 wiistation36000
Member since 2009 • 215 Posts

[QUOTE="wiistation36000"]No, but it tells us we should eat it, whereas this was rejected for a very long time until science verified it.


No it doesn't... it tells us that "trees that bear fruit will be our food." It is a common sense observation.

Science doesn't have to verify that trees that bear fruit will be our food. Unless you define science as simply as "observation."

I suppose it could be open for interpretation, but it hints at it...

I don't know if you're religious or not but I'm going to assume you're not, so I'll put you in a believer's shoes.

The creator of the universe has just said he's given you fruit for food. Don't you think he intends for you to eat it?

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#7 wiistation36000
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"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."

Apparently religion found out that fruit is good for you sooner than science did. Just throwin that out there :P


1) How can you interpret that to mean that "fruit is good"? All it says is "fruit shall be your food." It doesn't say anything about it being "healthy," "beneficial" or "good for you."
2) Religion can never tell us "why" those things are "good" or "bad" for us. Does religion tell us that if we don't eat fruit that we will get scurvy? Does it explain how the body gets scurvy if it is deficient of Vitamin C?

No, but it tells us we should eat it, whereas this was rejected for a very long time until science verified it.

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#8 wiistation36000
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"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."

Apparently religion found out that fruit is good for you sooner than science did. Just thrown that out there :P


Animals know that fruit is good for them and yet they don't have any religion at all. Son, this argument is very weak.

So what? Fruit is still good for you. Animals may have known (actually, isn't it instinct?) this first, but religion seems to have got it second.

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#9 wiistation36000
Member since 2009 • 215 Posts

"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."

Apparently religion found out that fruit is good for you sooner than science did. Just throwin that out there :P

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#10 wiistation36000
Member since 2009 • 215 Posts

[QUOTE="wiistation36000"][QUOTE="Free_Marxet"] which is why we need a public takeover of education.


I think the colleges should be left private, but I do agree to an extent for the schools. The idea for school vouchers seemed like a no brainer to me, since the gov pays 10,000 (that's a number that was acquired from 20 seconds of googling, so if that's incorrect please correct it) per kid in public schools they could have a chance to go to any good school possible, even private.

college = school. keeping college private keeps information to the selected few. absolutey everyone is entitled by human right to have the best education availible. school vouchers are ok but, they let kids goto religious schools, which i dont support

Well, don't forget freedom of religion. Sure, a lot of private schools may indoctrinate, but that doesn't mean they don't also educate. In fact, I believe private schools score higher on the SATs than public schools do. I know this is true where I am, not sure elsewhere.