this is the same studio that made Anthem so pretty tough to get excited or be at all optimistic at this point (coming from someone who actually enjoyed Andromeda)
Here is an idea, don't post major spoilers for the last season of a major TV show in the title for an article on the home page on a website about VIDEOGAMES.
these spoiler-ey article titles and descriptions really should not be posted. i've seen the episode but i know quite a few people who are aren't able to watch it yet and are worried about spoilers.
their fears are well founded based on shit like this
@vega2505: I disagree. other BR games are more streamlined but I prefer the realistic Arma-esque gameplay in PUBG over any other game/mode in the genre. I think it still has the best weapon mechanics by far. still has a huge player base as well (though smaller than it once was of course).
@dynamotnt: mechanical variation? D2 is definitely less repetitive than the first game. it has much better enemy variety. D1 missions also just boiled down to running around shooting people, it just had more repetitive side missions and less varied enemies
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