I love Indie games. It gives small developers a chance to innovate and get their ideas out to a wider audience. Fantastic for pick up and play value as well. Don't get me wrong a love a good big budget AAA title as much as the next guy but I do appreciate a good indie title.
For example I absolutely love Thomas Was Alone. The best indie title by a country mile. Optimises everything about what an Indie game should be. Simple yet innovative and unlike anything I've played before. Plus it's on the PSN for £1.90 at the minute.
withe1982's forum posts
Oh FFS! Damn You Sales!!!!
I've just paid £5.99 for Thomas Was Alone last week and around £30 for Mass effect 1-3 a fortnight ago.
If anyone hasn't played Ni No Kuni yet then you have no excuse to miss out on an absolutely fantastic RPG.
Also Thomas Was Alone is an absolute masterpiece 10/10 game and for £1.91 if you're a PS+ member, plus it's cross buy on Vita you'd be silly not to get it.
Excellent sale for EU for a change. Gonna cost me so much money.
I love my Vita. Being a husband and father it's fantastic to still be able to play my PS4 without having the TVs hogged all night. I use it pretty much every day.
I'm also a massive fan of indie titles that innovate so I've a lot on there which keep me occupied. In fact Thomas Was Alone is probably in my top 10 GOAT. This added to the likes of Limbo, Hotline Miami, Guacamelee etc... makes the Vita a great system for me.
I've also yet to try Persona 4 Golden but I'd imagine when I pick that up it'll be fantastic.
I don't really understand how this is getting so many people butt hurt.
Sony are trying to make some money. they're a business. that's what they do. I'm fine with that.
PS4 owner have a choice to own what was probably the best game of the last few years in 1080p, 60FPS with all DLC (RRP on PS3 $65 ($40 for TLOU, $15 for left behind and $9.99 for map packs)) for $60. Not a problem. I'm going to double dip and for the people that have yet to play that game it's a fantastic deal.
Not sure why it's only Lems and Herms that are up in arms about this. Jelly? I can't remember as much of a response when TR Definitive was announced.
I'm guessing if you have the ps3 disk version you can do a digital upgrade for just $10 right?
if not then
**** YOU SONY.
I really hope this is the case as I'd be more than happy to pay £10 to upgrade. Even still I will be double dipping anyway (at what I expect will be £40 in the UK). I'm not going to miss out on experiencing one of the best games ever made with enhanced graphics for the sake of a few pounds and some hipsters deeming it uncool to do so.
My GOTY on PS4. Worth every penny IMHO.
it's because of people like you companies out there get away with charging us with ridiculous prices
and the smart consumer suffers for it.
People like me? I'm not going to justify my gaming purchases to some prat on a message board. Why do you care what I play and spend the money I fuckin' earn on?
I'm guessing if you have the ps3 disk version you can do a digital upgrade for just $10 right?
if not then
**** YOU SONY.
I really hope this is the case as I'd be more than happy to pay £10 to upgrade. Even still I will be double dipping anyway (at what I expect will be £40 in the UK). I'm not going to miss out on experiencing one of the best games ever made with enhanced graphics for the sake of a few pounds and some hipsters deeming it uncool to do so.
My GOTY on PS4. Worth every penny IMHO.
Just downloaded and completed Thomas Was alone and it's an absolute masterpiece. My top Vita game so far. It was only £6 on PSN and to be fair you can blast through it in about 2-3 hours but my god what an amazing indie title. The music by David Housden is just fantastic and narration by Danny Wallace is the best I've heard in gaming since Stephen Fry in LBP. I don't know how Mike Bithell did it but after just a few minutes I began to really care about these coloured blocks. Within half as hour I could remember every block by name and knew every one of there personalities traits. It's a testament to how great a game can be without a massive AAA budget or a team of 20 writers getting paid a fortune. This is pure gaming heaven IMO. I cannot stress enough how great this little title was.
I'm off to listen to the soundtrack again. This gets a 10/10 from me.
The correct answers are:
- Deus Ex: HR
- The Last Of Us
- Bioshock Infinite
- Silent Hill 2
- Neir
- Alan Wake (this is surprisingly good)
- Fallout 3
- Mass Effect 3
With the pick-out tracks being:
Tried to remote play on the Vita today and couldn't even keep the thing connected for a minute. It would connect, lag like all hell, freak out on the video, and then disconnect. Any advice to try to fix this thing? If I can't get it working at home, when I'm five feet from the thing, no way can I get it working when I'm at work.
It does sound like your internet speed may not be up to scratch and an upgrade may be in order. You'd be surprised how cheaply you can get very fast broadband these days.
Make sure your ps4 is wired and not connected wireless also make sure no computers or laptops are running any programs which may effect your connection.
I have 5-7mb internet at most at home and my remote play works like a charm. I've completed at least 50% of InFAMOUS:SS on my Vita. I have tried from work a few times but the lousy 2mb connection here isn't strong enough at all.
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