I'm not, it just seems like there is little innovation from AC3. I'm really not interested in the pirate theme.Granny_SpankedNo, I stop caring about the series after AC2. I just seems like they are making the same game with little no no innovations.
wizdom's forum posts
No, maybe E3 will change my mind. The PS4 looks interesting, but I need to see their online and used game structure before I commit to it. The Xbox One is a joke at the moment in my opinion.I am still excited for the PS4 even though the Xbox One is failure (at least in my view) for gamers overall. Wii U might also get a facelift with a lot of new games
Imagine if we got a huge movement going where we'd all refuse to shop at gamestop, do you think that could persuade them to return the ability to play used games and get rid of other bad features ? dkdk999No, this makes no sense at all. Gamestop is not the only used game company of there. So how would boycotting stop this from happening? The truth is that they shouldn't have online activity period.
Exactly, most games have hand holding in them and Zelda is no different.Not more than the average modern game (haven't played Skyward Sword tho).
Yep, we're witnessing the death of the gaming industry. Used game transactions, in which developers see none of the money, were the only thing holding it together. Soon, consoles will be like the PC: dead. With like, no games anymore. And no one playing on it.
Ok. I get it. You dont agree. You dont have to be a prick about it.
Well of course I don't agree. Gaming isn't going to die any time soon, obviously.
I do not believe gaming is going to die soon, but the lack of used games on the market will destroy the profits of Sony and Microsoft big time. Lets make a couple of things clear. I firmly believe developers should get a cut on the sale of used games. The biggest gripe I have is them trying to punish gamers for buying a used game, renting a game or loaning a game to your friend and charging a fee to activate it on top of the price of buying the games used. Video gamers allow you to make a honest living in the industry and this is how you repay them?Rome 2 and COH 2 that is all for now.What games are you going to play
Usually by demo, but I pay attention to all the things you mention.Do you watch trailers, gameplay, reviews, previews, or just go to the store and look at the back of the cover?
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