why is everybody speculating so hard on these prototype controllers? lets see what sony has to say and show tomorrow. compareing wii u touch controller to these designs doesnt have any application at this time either since we dont know what it does. till then, try not to get your under garments into a twist.
@wcwj26 place up PS3 announcement graphics next to PS2 or even xbox 360 at that time, it was impressive, place PS3 current graphics up to those today, not comparision, nice try at a troll though.
played in the alpha for PC, this title is definately gonna hold strong once it gets released. I am definately looking forward to enjoying it, the first launch was a POS but not this reincarnation. i signed up for the ps3 beta though, i really want a console mmo.
i paid full price for xbox 360 and ps3 atlaunch, so the price would not deter me if given enough advance notice of price and where and when i can buy, im not rich either, so if its gonna be this expensive for the next gen system sony better have alot of manufacturing plans already getting figured out big time, with a new console close to the price of special bundle systems currently they will sell like hot cakes, i know for fact since i bought ps3 i wasnt married to a fellow gamer so i only waited all nite for one. but now we will either be pre ordering online if possible or camping a walmart or kmart somewhere days in advance for two.
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