this does not bother me in slightest, i rarely buy a used game unless im trying to catch up to something older that i was refered to. also if you buy oc games they are locked to your account, dont see a difference here, way it should be. now if they can just curb the minors out of adult games and stop hackers we will all be better off.
WOW, must be why they offered it as a free title to playstation plus subscribers, EA wouldnt want to offer a free game out like that unless it was going down hill anyways. i dont buy EA games for the most part and really hope they dont bring down tigerwoods the masters. the first one of the masters series that is.
monster hunter 3 has been milked to the bone, yet they cant make a dam monster hunter outsided nintendo platform, garbage if you ask me, i gave up on monster hunter. i lost interest since i always have to play it on a handheld or a wii and thats not my ball of tea, i imported monster hunter 3rd for ps3 and it would surfice my monster hunters cravings but its to hard to understand the japanese language barrier, i sure hope phantasy star online 2 makes it over here since i know that will block any thought of monster hunter..
to deal with hackers i think the devs and networks on even consoles should have a kill switch routine that activates as soon as it is compromised and have a encrypted bullet go to thier hacking device and disable it permanently, i know people who didnt pay there cable bill could have this bullet sent to there device and have it blacked out till programming is restored to it, i would start doing that with my technology to fight back if i could, ruin their hacking device for them trying to hack into your device and ruin yours, being the game or system.
AWESOME SMEDLEY, about time some one called them out directly like that, maybe Sony can data mine the hackers as well and have charges put up on there AZZs. im tired of hackers and their bullshyt, i really hope these people start getting round up and sent to jail for a time, people can goto jail for straling a candy bar, why let these people get away with digital theft. Get em Sony!!
HEY, peter brown, i think Rafael Dyll's composing needs to be mentioned in this all this as well, not one mention of a key player /element to Pink bullets, the MUSIC, and he maybe responsible for more on this list of games mentioned.
This is a great deal for the PSVITA, excellent time to get on with ps plus offerings, the downfall to the deal and the system over all is the high priced memory chips. and with the offerings of the ps plus membership you wouldnt be able to put more than 2-3 full scale psvita games on it. i currently have a 16gb chip, and still have a need for a 32gb to have all my games and apps on the system. Sony nreally needs to figure out a way to make the memory issue go away, the vita is truely a great system, and i see lots of potential for it, Sony Make Your Memory Cheaper, thats the problem.
highly doubt its a playstation 3 or 4 game, no way would it be passed off to a aussie developer like that. maybe a vita game, but why would they dump the last vita games developer? i think this might be a similiarity in naming.
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