Titanfall look like something that takes SKILL! this is why i think it won't be a COD killer...
COD is like the AK47 of video games, anyone can get just pick it up and fire it, even 5 year olds! all you need is a run & gun mentallity. now Titanfall isn't a slouch looking game, it looks super fast paced, but it looks like the type of game your average COD bloke isn't going to wrap his head around very well... verticality, vehicle play, flanking, jump packs... it's all really cool stuff, but it's really high end taskmastering stuff. i don't think it will catch as massive an audience as it's hyped to get.
It's like Battlefield, Payday, Need for Speed all had a baby inside an MMO. or maybe you can just say Rockstar is giving a giant middle finger to EVERYONE.
as long as spawns are the mess that they are since MW2 i refuse to play COD. and this isn't just some negligible thing, it's extremely fundamental to how COD works!
and when the best way to "play" a certain game is to exploit it's spawns you know something is fundamentally really, REALLY broken in the game.
in Battlefield you choose where to spawn, and it's extremely important, because it make you effect the flow of the game in a manner that is appropriate to the game.
and COD isn't quite like Halo where you can twitch your way out of a bad spawn, you just CAN'T.
the second reason COD is something i refuse to touch? NO DEDICATED SERVERS. and no, the netcode in COD is NOT GOOD.. it just isn't! it works on the same snapshot mechanic from the Quake 3 arena netcode and it's way out of date! take that with P2P hosting and you get a match made in hell.
should COD restore those two fundamental issues, i might consider a visit? but ohh what is that? i'm sorry the skyscraper is falling apart, i need to parachute my way out of it!
Mcshea strikes again, and i wonder how much longer can he get away with this bollocks. either he suffers from some sort of mental retardation as he simply fails to grasp the essence of so many games he reviews, or he is a cold insane cynical bastard- like the armond white of video games at this point- an absolute TROLL!
the Win Lose ratio meter in BF3 is addictive... but unfortunately counting on 31 imbeciles to work together is a wee bit... ridiculous... so at least i can consolidate myself with the notion that i got a few points...
wizzzer_thy_133's comments