Imagine what games DICE would create without the shackles of EA... just imagine a Battlefield game with even better more complex level design, that launches on Steam with mod tools. a game with free DLC as well as genuine expansion packs... a game with commander mode retained, a chain of command and built in VOIP.
some of you might point out to ARMA 3, but ARMA is a beast of it's own.... Battlefield 3 was immensly fun, and still retained that Battlefield magic, but for me this felt like a castrated battlefield curtesy of EA...
WHERE IS OUR SC2-HOTS REVIEW? with all due respect to GOW, which i actually really like (underappreciated i might add)... there are bigger things going on right now! with all that MLG stuff going on, i wonder... WHERE IS OUR REVIEW??!!!
just be agressive, i cannot stress how much i see new players in RTS simply think they can lay it safely and farm a huge army for 20 minutes.... guys, it just DOESN'T WORK!
as soon as you understand that, i think you are a go. just don't cheese it, be agressive!
@wexorian disney was behind the Avengers with Paramount... Battlefield 3 has sold plenty of copies and i do believe disney love money... so if you tell a disney executive Battlefield + Star Wars= Battlefront= lot's of money, it's a win win situation for both disney and gamers.
@hector530 @wizzzer_thy_133 the very act of activation took me a while for WOL... and i mean a WHILE... but indeed, nothing as bad as D3's first month.
I have a feeling that yet again we will see a problematic launch. WOL had a little dodgy launch, Diablo 3 had a horrible launch (still nowhere near as Sim City's)... but the massive popularity of Starcraft 2 might make this launch even worse than Diablo 3... i hope Blizzard is prepared, because kansas is going bye bye when HOTS launches!
wizzzer_thy_133's comments