People toss words like Innovation and Iteration as if they mean the most... but the thing that matter is neither- the thing that matter is AMBITION and the EXECUTION of ambition.
and Ghosts from my limited experience is sorely lacking in ambition, especially compared to Black Ops 2 which not only had ambition, it execution upon it's ambitions well. Ghosts has no ambitions so anything it executes is merely passably done in familiar unambitious waters. Ghosts is so confident in it's own little world that even in COD standards it kinda... sucks.
Black Ops 2 had a crazier, more fun and much more memorable single player portion, the Pick 10 system was elegant yet sophisticated, the guns all had that futuristic touch and memorable distinct sounds and look. everything about Black Ops 2 was as exotic, high tech and "sexy" as a millitary shooter can get. it had this colorful exuberance cranked to 11.
Ghosts in comparison is a dull underachieving safe COD, and worse, it just doesn't have that X factor that made earlier entries click...
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 all the way to Command & Conquer 3 what i used to play almost EXCLUSIVELY with my friend and we played 2v2 and always had fun! we could lose 15 matches one after the other and still have the fun of our lifetime. man..... good times, but my buddy has moved on to a different countries, he lives in a different timezone, has different priorities... and regardless, at least i've had fond fun memories!
it's funny how Infinity Ward are now tailing Treyarch... as cool as it seems, it just doesn't seem as sincerely campy and joyful as the Treyarch zombies feel. it looks like they made this because they felt obligated to do so rather than wanting..
playing for the Objective isn't something i wanna nag on people to do, it's just FUN! it's all the action, all the tension and all the suspense to go after the bomb...
but what do people do? sit like trees snipe so that everyone can see their 1337 skillz in KDR...
such a shame, so many play Battlefield can't even drive a buggy if their life depend on it...
it's all cool and all, definitely more colorful and enticing than the boring roofs and trees of revolutionary America. but where is the subtlety, the sense of you being an emissary of death stalking from the crowds and the shadows.... you know? being an ASSASSIN?
I feel bad for DICE, they are such good developers, but you just know that everything they do regarding DLC is because EA got them by a leash.
but at the same time i wonder... who really got who by the balls? because DICE basically saved EA through 2012 because Battlefield 3 was such a hit, and all the new EA games titles are running on DICE technology- Frostbite 3.0...
and now let us all close our eyes and imagine if DICE were independent... imagine a Battlefield game with full mod support, a stream of free expansions and constant support. now open your eyes and look at the horrible reality in front of you.
it amuses me how many people fail to understand what this is, and how different it is to the Battlefield Squad System...
this squad mechanic is just a shiny name to "bots" and all that hype about A.I is pretty unconvincing to me considering COD's track record with A.I. if survival mode is any indicator, than this is a dud.
wizzzer_thy_133's comments