the un-skippable "cinematic walking" kicks in that I begin to groan
There are times when i get the idea some devs have so much fun (probably demanded by their publishers too) putting an un-skippable cut-scene (probably not too short too) just at the beginning of a boss-fight, so you have to watch the same fu** retarded a-hole cut-scene for a hundred times, making that boss-fight a totally cringe-worthy and hateful expierience pulling you on the edge of rage-quitting that goddamn piece of shit game over and over again...and if it´s not placed right before some boss-fight, then they put it into the middle of a level right before some passage where you keep dying a hundred of times.
Even just to think about those games who are really doing this, gets my blood pressure raising and i keep asking myself: Why the hell are they doing this?
Devs just can´t be THAT dumb! This must be a way for them to pay us back all those review-bombings, negative user-reviews, death-threats and all that other shit devs have to deal with all the time.
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