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Bargain Gamer

It's now official that I am a bargain gamer, and my reviews will soon reflect it.  It's odd to me that I would become a bargain gamer at this point in my life. I make more money know than I ever have before, but something else has changed.

I can't put my finger on why exactly my take on games is changing. I have a child on the way, which I know causes all potential dad's to review their financial situation. Still, with my limited free time I could easilly make one new $50 game last a month.

Right now there are so many great games that I have been wanting to play that are down to $19.99 that I just can't seem to justify buying $50 titles. It would probably take me 2-3 years to finish all of the PS2 titles on my wish list, and that's if they stopped producing games tomorrow.

The $15-$20 game also lowers the chance of disappointment. I've been let down by several cheap games, but my expectations weren't that high. If I blow $50 on a title I seem to expect something unfair from it. I remember several years ago when I bought "The Thing" and "Shinobi" at full price. People have assured me that these are both quality titles, but I can never see them that way due to my feeling ripped off.

I should be happy that my new found practicality will save me money, but I'm not. For some reason, buying a title with "Greatest Hits" across the top just doesn't seem as exciting. I know they are great games, but it just seems like something's missing.

Hopefully, this will at least make holidays more fun. I still plan to ask for full price game on those occassions. Too bad my thriftiness doesn't apply to other people's money. Great, now I'm cheap and shallow. Oh well.