Lately, I’ve had a lot of home repairs done to my residence, so my main TV has seen some serious downtime. Since not gaming just isn’t an option, I turned to my PSP.
I love my PSP, and think it is definitely the best and most powerful handheld system ever made. Unfortunately, PSP game developers are attempting to drive me insane.
I have always been a platform fan at heart, and loved the platformers for the original Gameboy. I own copies of Ape Escape, Tokobot, and Pac Man World 3 for my PSP. To this date, I have no finished any of them.
Rather than take responsibility for my failures in handheld gaming, I choose to blame others. For some reason, developers seem to think that a title needs to offer 100 hours of gameplay to keep gamers satisfied. I play my PSP in 10-30 minute sittings, and frankly long games are more frustrating than they are satisfying.
Some of the PSP platformers offer only about 10 hours of play, like Ape Escape or Pac Man World 3. In this case, developers were kind enough to include in excess of 4 save points. I’ve been on the final level of Ape Escape for months because even though I have 17 lives, I don’t have the 3 hours necessary to sit through the final level.
On my current Pac Man level, I have a habit of losing to the main boss. No biggie, except you must play through the entire level to get back to him. This seriously takes almost an hour to do. It reminds me of the original Ninja Gaiden on NES. I had sincerely hoped that developers would have learned something in the 15 years since that title frustrated every kid in America, but apparently they haven’t.
Tokobot is a quality game that is just too complicated. I’m not going to declare it difficult, but the number of moves and formations and puzzles just makes it too complicated for me to focus on.
I am a die-hard Sony fan, but the developers could learn something from Mario. I don’t have 40 hours to put into a handheld game, and would like at least a snowball’s chance in hell of completing a platforming title.
I've beaten several action titles, and have gotten some serious enjoyment out of racing games. I often like to switch between multiple games, but the lack of save points makes it so that I lose all progress if I take any platforming UMD out of my PSP. Developers can insist on insanely long games if they want, but how many games am I gonna buy if it takes me 50 hours to complete one?
Now that my PSP is fully charged again, my rant will end for now.
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