Yeah if they make it too open it will start heading towards the sandbox style more than anything. Sandbox games are good but if they don't have a main story (the glue) at the sametime, then the whole game can fall apart. Mount & Blade was probably a more recent example that I played or even State of Decay, even more recent. Both games were great, particularly Mount & Blade, I loved the mechanics in that, I loved how you could go from being a bandit/peasant to marrying into royalty, to doing tournaments with jousting, to ruling over a kingdom and waging war against other factions. To add to that, 1 minute you could have a warband the next you could be someones prisoner trying to escape and then trying to find the rest of your compaions. M&B have some amazing mechanics that I want to see enter a FPS or Third Person perspective the entire game not just in certain situations. But there was no main story to give the player a real sense of direction. So you ended up all over the place and it eventually became boring. State of Decay sort of fixed that a little bit. I mean the main goal was to survive and they had the missions here and there and it did have a main story but the further you progressed in it the harder it got to survive and the survival mechanics were restricted in that you couldn't expand your base any further than what was already in the compounds. M&B on the other hand literally just threw you into an open world with no tutorial, no cutscenes, nothing.
I don't think the nemesis system will be too open to a point that it breaks the game. It's really a difficult area. The thought of having a story that changes dramatically as you play to a point that you can talk to your friends and all have different stories; is amazing, but then where does it end? What happens if story after story just chains onto 1 another? How would a developer compensate for that with different cutscenes and dialog for each branch if it was that open? The thought of having a story where just the enemies change with a bit of dialog changing here and there and maybe enemies changing fighting styles or ranks would create more solidity but at the risk of creating generic playthroughs that could end up being the same everytime unless you really look for those branching points. This is 1 of the reasons I never finished Skyrim, I get they want people to explore, but I can't be bothered exploring all the time just to find a quest line and this kind of made me feel like it was a waste of such a great game because I don't get to experience it all. If it didn't have the main story (as short as it was) the game would have crumbled in my opinion.
I hope they find that perfect balance. Tbh, a unique playthrough everytime you play would probably be more of an MMO thing, but like I said they're so outdated by the time they're released so that might be another decade or 2 away before we have that. A single player game on the other hand, I think maybe up to 5 completely different playthroughs and that's enough. I kind of get what you mean with GW2 but unfortunately the events never really had that many options. It was pretty much A, B or C. If it had a D, E, F, G maybe all the way to Z, it could have been much better, but yes they are dynamic in the sense that each time you do the event it has the possibility of going 1 way or the other. I want the possibility of it going 1 way and staying that way. I want to start seeing real consequences in an MMO. Something that supposedly EverQuest Next is trying to do but to what extent, I have no idea at this stage.
All I want is a Open World RPG game, The maps already done, the secrets have already been written, many many stories about different parts are already out there, why not create the whole world, just like lego did, but i want a full blown developer to do it, like bethesda should do it aqn elder scrolls fitting lord of the rings is perfect, they have done half the landscape already, or even rockstar would be a great company to do it. thats all i want, i don't want these pancy rubbish made up stories, for a silly ranger and wraif or whatever its called, just give us the open world lord of the rings we all crave for, it's made for an elders scrolls make over.
There's a problem with this. WB own the rights to LOTR, they went nuts a few years back and started buying out everything LOTR related. There's LOTRO but heh, that game was fairly grindy. I do hope WB will come to it's senses and outsource more of it's games to 3rd party developers. Otherwise if they continue like they do, we're gonna have more of the movies/books/games we love turning into Arkham Origins. I can't believe they went ahead and developed it without Rocksteady. And this is why I want Shadow of Mordor to exceed expectations too. Maybe they might take elements from that and create an open world LOTRO. Actually they could literally just use the same engine.
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