wolfbm's forum posts
Honestly I didn't play mottowind or oblivion but I did play Fallout and traded it back with in 2 days. I figured I wouldn't like Skyrim either but bought it and I love it. Can't make a comment judgung the game without playing it.i guess some ppl like skyrim
i could tell i wouldn't be a fan of skyrim i didn't like oblivion i didnt like morrowind
tehres no way i would like skyrim theres just no way they haven't branched to anyone
with any of there games
i didn't like there fallout either
they have not really try to bring in new ppl to there games and thats busieness they got a formula they stick to it atleast iwth FF theres ones i like and ones i dont like
with betheseda its just 100% dislike everything they do every single time
As for the OP no one said this game did something different with quests they mention the graphics and bredth of the gameplay. Also without Skyrim we wouldn't have the 2011 catch phrase "took an arrow to the knee" Ftw!!!
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