The nature of the beast my friend...what number Final Fantasy is coming out? haha!! Anything successful has off branches in the realm of merchandise and movies just look at Avatar and Pirates of the Carribean (sp?). With successful movies you get sequels, prequels, then made into a video game, backpacks, toys..etc...see what I mean? Mass Effect 3 isn't out yet and they are planning on at least 2 more games after it. Honestly I have hated the halo series since the word go but have to give it props for giving players what they want and keeping it from going stale. Each game brought something different (my wife loves the games so I will play them just for GS) to the table whereas games such as BF and CoD really hasn't but still they have off branches!
I can't really add my vote since im in a yes and no stance. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to be able to trade things with my wife (real world wife not in game ha ha) but couldn't. Or after getting my smithing maxed being able to make armor for her since after you built your best armor and got to level 50? in that skill it basically is pointless. For that reason I would want mp but if your talking like massive multiplayer like Gears or CoD then no! Two player mp yes massive no!
Ok I beat all 3 games so how can I word this without any spoilers.........Get used to Desmond. While I agree I really couldn't relate to Ezio in 2 and BH now that he is older and more mature in Revelations he is the kind of guy i'd like to hang out with. Yes on a general perspective I would like to see less of Desmond but sadly once you beat the game you see that isn't going to be the case. This isn't a spoiler since Ubisoft tells you that Revelations is the end story to Altaire and Ezio not an end for Desmond.
a good site I found that shows you the actual awards available is it seems they never added Gears 3 to the list but still it's a good site.
I post this same topic on my blog "Maybe I'm getting old" and I completely agree that comparing the old school games to games today is amazing. Playing the games today on hard level is nothing compared to what the games of yore were. I still go back and play the classics of my childhood and after playing todays games I suck at them. As you mentioned Ghosts N' Goblins and metroid I to this day still can't get past the first level. A lot of what we find with games today is children of the 80's (such as myself) are now grown,married,and have kids and developers seem to be catering to our demographic where we no longer can devote a ton of time into games as we did as kids.
I have had the 360 (since launch) a while but got the Gears 3 xbox when it came out and would hate to lose that. Just so it's said xbox and ps are announcing their consoles at E3 but that doesn't mean they will be available in the same year. Wii U was announced at the last E3 and it isn't out yet so have no fear I think it will be late 2013 before we have anything buyable.
while I normally always have gold I prefer playing single player games. I'm not much into the mp games (with the exception of Gears 3) so I always play games alone.
Apparently you need to have an adult profile on live in order to "promote" your child account to adult. As far as making an account under your friends info thats a bit iffy and I would probably shy away from reporting problems unless you could get your friend to give them a call. I would hate to see you call xbox claiming to be your friend (especially since they will not help you with someone elses account) fail to know a certain question and get banned from xbox or worse be the one convicted as the one who hacked your friends email. Sometimes you will get a cool rep who will help you but I have even had troubles when dealing with my wife's account (my wife and I are fine it's just xbox ,or any company for that matter, doesn't normally want to talk to "Bob" about "Jills" account. If you can make a parent account then follow these steps. If the "Child" account has reached the age of 18, then you need to sign into the "Parent" account and follow these steps to convert the account to an "Adult" account:- *Go to My Xbox, and open your profile. *Select Manage Account. *Select Promote Child Account. *Follow the required step
I agree with soapman72 mostly. In that your race choice in skyrim does claim to have bonuses but honestly everyone has the same skill tree (perks) to work from plus right at the beginning you come across 3 stones where you choose to be a magika user,warrior,or rogue. Everyone can use uber-powered bows and swords and how good you get at it depends on how much you use them and level up that skill. I notice quite a few saying Dark Elf but even according to Bethesda the dark elves are the weakest in the game as far as talents go. After asking my wife (who plays more stealthy than I) she says Wood Elf or Kahjit. Not to tell you too much about the game content but anyone can join the Dark Brotherhood as well as the Theives Guild and both help out your stealth due to armor bonuses.
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