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Bundling prequels with sequels for free?? Count me in!


The above is an example of what I mean. The first White Knight Chronicles is being bundled in with the second. The entire story campaing of the first available for people to play with! I think its a great idea! It increases replay value by a lot, doesn't alienate players new to the series and is great value for money. On top of that, the company is not going to negatively affect its sales. Rather, the allure of something "extra free" would entice more gamers to buy the game. I know it has me thinking about buying it and that is based purely on that one simple point (as I know it will provide a lot of bang for my buck, so to speak).

I know there are lots of games I would buy if the prequel was bundled with it as an extra incentive.

What do you guys think? Should this be encouraged by more companies?

PSN hacked and I'm already getting random phone calls

I literally just received a call from some woman with a fake American accent trying to tell me that files on my computer were corrupt and that it would slow down my internet speed or something. Obviously a scam, I hung up, I was surprised as I have actually never gotten a call like this for a good few years now. What was even weirder was the person used MY name when all the house bills were under my parents names. Of course my PSN is under my name and then lo and behold, I log onto GS and see this.

I've checked my accounts (no changes so far) and am now in the process of changing my passwords for everything. I don't actually remember if my card details were on PSN but I have actually bought something off PSN before so they might be. I used my real DOB too. This is quite shocking to be honest. I really expect Sony to compensate us in some way. This is ridiculous!

I've been a little out of the gaming loop, what good games are coming out?

Yeah, I haven't been able to keep up with a lot of gaming news because of how busy I am BUT I was hoping my faithful friends on GS would be able to inform a little on the state of things right now.

So, what games are coming/have been announced that you are excited about?

(P.S. any further news on metal gear rising, the new team Ico game or Asura's wrath?)

Edit: I've been out of the loop for about the past 3 or so months I think

Super Street Fighter IV GS/GFAQs highlight reel

This is a montage made by fellow SSFIV players from GS and GFAQs. I'm in the video too =D

If you are interested in being in the second then comment and I'll tell you when we need your videos (don't worry about not having a way to record them as we can get someone else to record them for you)



Amazing shows I think you should check out!


OK, lets cut to the chase. I think you should see the following shows

1. Three Kingdoms - about the warring state period of China hundreds of years ago. Also the basis of the dynasty warriors games. If you are a fan of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Dynasty Warriors I really suggest you check it out!

See THIS link for more information ;D

2. Peep Show - Hilarious British comedy about 2 friends and their escapades. This is done very differently to your typical sitcom or soap. It really is familiar but at the same time quite out there. You will enjoy it though! Unless you have no funny bone lol.

3. The Inbetweeners - Story about a new kid at a British school. He left private education and is now at public school and is baptised with fire. Quite a funny show. I have seen series one and it reminds me of my school. Some of the humour mayyyy be lost on you if you are American but I'm sure you can keep up with it. Give it a try!

4. Phone Shop - Another British comedy. Only 5-6 episodes long but amazing! Try and check it out =D

(The above 3 British comedies can be seen on "4 on demand" but this may not be available for Americans, in which case they are streamed on countless other sites)

5. Something a bit different now, Hunter x Hunter. This is an anime. You may have heard of Naruto, Bleach and One Piece. They are all a certain type of anime but they all lack the oopmh that is in HxH. HxH takes this genre and really perfects it. It is HIGHLY recommended by me =D

That is all from me. Any suggestions for me?? =D

My PS3 is alive and kicking!

After spending £150 to get a replacement last time the nice guy on the Sony repair line offered to replace my PS3 for free =D.

*goes off to GAME*

Michael Jackson's new album

It fricking rocks!!

I absolutely fell in love with "behind the mask". It really is classic MJ. The rest of the songs are all very good too.

However, I won't be buying it. Why? Because it was released against the wishes of his entire family, against MJ's wishes and the only people profiting from it are the people that are essentially taking advantage of a fallen great. Putting aside all the acqusations, he was a very influential person and defined an era. Much respect to his skills.


The above will stream his album for you.

What do you guys think of the new album? Will you buy it?

(student) Dr. Wonzan M.D. (week five 1/11/10)


So this week was quite tame. Nothing too hectic happened. It was a nice and quick week. Mainly involved increasing my social contacts and sharpening my history taking skills and revising for the exams I have in about 1 months time. Some might think that asking a patient what is wrong with them is easy but they would be very wrong.

The patient will have preconceptions on what is wrong with them and will therefore tend to only tell you part of the story. I have had patients who have were worried about their lungs and failed to tell me that they have also had a heart attack previously. When taking a history you have to squeeze as much useful infrmation out of the patient as possible to help diagnose them. The HUGE number of diseases cannot be identified (even if you do a whole battery of tests) without a good history.

But anyway, the highlight of this week for me was interviewing a heavily pregnant woman about her ulcerative colitis. This is a disease that affects many people and it causes them to need to go to the toilet 6-7 times a day on average and up to 30-40 times a day when they get a flare up (wiki it). But after taking her history and stuff I asked when her baby was due.......she said tomorrow! And then she held her belly and closed her eyes and made a pained face..........I SOOO thought she was about to go into labour but LUCKILY she didn't. I was the only one there at the time and I would have to have help her deliver it O__O. Nerve racking stuff!

Well, hope you are all well dear readers, till next time!

(student) Dr. Wonzan M.D. (week four 25/10/10)

Fourth week has gone!

The following week is my last week on the current ward I am working at. After next week I will be working with the surgeons O__O. That means seeing people being cut open and their guts being played around with. I hope I can keep my lunch down when I see it lol.

The past week was very fun! I am currently in my 3rd year of medicine but I met quite a few 5th years on my wanders arounds the hospital. One in particular was really nice and actually took time out to teach me some stuff. Much appreciated!

I was able to go to the emergency assessment unit to take a history and examine lots of patients. One of the consultants always happens to be there and is always giving me looks of approval when he sees me (which can only be good!). I clerked patients with COPD, confusion, lower passage bleeding, headaches, stomach aches and peripheral limb neuropathy (most likely cauda equina). Very interesting cases.

On Thursday the doctors and students went to a bar and we all had a lot of fun. It was the bday of one of the doctors on my ward too and we just had a blast there. I also came across another girl who told me a funny story. Shes a doctor and one day she had annual leave but came back onto the ward because she had forgotten something. She was wearing heels, a low cut top and a mini skirt. Apparently her appearance provoked an old man to have a heart attack (and also give a few other people erections!!). I was gobsmacked.......and then out of NOWHERE she pulled out a lightsaber and hit me on the head with it!! Fun times =D

In a more dramatic twist I almost saw someone suffer complete heart failure. A patient came in complaining of blood in his poo. My friend and I decided to put a cannula into his arm to give him fluids but my friend missed the vein and quite a bit of blood came out. This upset the patient but he stayed calm. We called a doctor and she tried to fix the cannula but she couldn't do it either. By this time they had been poking around his arm for a good 5 minutes and the guy was becoming more and more agitated and he had lost about 50ml of blood. Both of these combined caused him to have an acute episode where he went very clammy, breathless, confused and scared. We called in a senior doctor who quickly put a cannula into his other arm and talked to him to calm him down. We then fluid resuscitated him (put fluid back into him) and he was much better. The worst part of all this? His wife and 6 year old kid were watching the WHOLE thing. They left when the senior doctor came and it was my job to go tell them that he wasn't critical anymore. A very nerve racking experience.

I also saw a nasogastric tube being put in.....well, it never actually got put in. It is essentially a tube the you push horizontally through the nostril and then curve down the throat and into the stomach. When it reaches the epiglottis you ask the patient to drink some water and swallow both the water and your tube (you have to push it down in sync with the water). But the consultant simply couldn't get it down this patients throat. He kept on vomiting as the tub was pushed down. The vomit was very stringy, brown and extremely pungent. He vomited at least 8-9 times. It was so sad to see him go through all that =[

A frenetic week! Hopefully next week will be even better =D

Thanks for reading!

(student) Dr. Wonzan M.D. (week three 18/10/10)

3rd week has gone by already!!! (3rd week of what you say? read my previous blogs!)

This week I have gotten much new stuff done except for going down to the EAU (emergency assessment unit) and being the first doctor (well, medical student) to talk to a few patients. This means I had to take a history of the patient's complaint, understand how the complaint affected them, ask them their family history, social history etc etc as well as examine them thoroughly.

The first time through it was quite hard. I was messing up on the order of history taking and my examination technique was all over the place. However, I got better and better espeically with the help of a few doctors (they are really nice!). I don't think I'd get far without them!

Later on I got to leave the hospital environment and visit a GP where I must say, EVERYONE was FAAAR more chilled out. Everything was done with a slow pace. The doctors there seemed to enjoy their jobs a lot more too (a lot of the docs I work with said they hate their jobs because of the veeery long hours and no over time pay as well as the tons of paper work).

Ah, that is another thing I picked up on. Two thirds of a doctors time is spent doing paper work. It is utterly ridiculous! They could very easily just make an efficient computerised system to prevent this and let docs take care of their patients but NO, they make this silly system where a doctor can't print off the blood results of a patient from a computer screen and instead has to write them out. Ludicrous!

I met a nice girl who told me stories about how she spent the year out in Ghana and did a lot of medical practice there and am really inspired to follow suit either in Ghana or another country (suggestions? lol).

But yeah, I'm working hard and then playing hard too ;D. One of my docs invited me round to her place for some pizza and TV! (we have no tv at our accomodation). It was great......except....the pizza had meat on it so I couldn't eat it!!! =[


Thanks for reading dear reader! Hope this is insightful to you =D