Second week at the hospital where I am getting my first experience of being a doctor! This week was great too!
I got to see endoscopy on a few patients. Basically a procedure where you are awake but under a light anaesthetic and have a LONG flexible tube (which you can control with a hand control) put into you via your mouth or anus. The tube has a camera on the end that lets the doctor see the gut from the inside. You would be amazed at how powerful this tiny camera is!! When it was being prepped and just put on the table I looked at the monitor and I could see every little nook, cranny, scratch and blotch on the surface of the tray! Each of the endoscopes cost a whopping £30,000 O__O (about $50,000).
I was able to do an MMSE exam on a patient. THe patient I performed it on did really poorly. He got 13/30. He was extremely confused and when I left him he started to follow me around and I had to get the nurse to return him to his bed. I repeated the exam a few days later and he was MUCH improved, he got 22/30. Suggesting he had an acute onset of confusion.
Just yesterday there were very few doctors on the ward and so I was allowed to take up the job of a special house officer!! Before I tell the story, perhaps now would be a good time to tell you the ranking of doctors in the UK:
Medical student (thats me) > foundation year doctor > Special house officer > special registrar > consultant (the top dog)
Consultants garner A LOT of respect, when they walk into a room you will see everyone suddenly behave. They always have an entourage of doctors and nurses with them when they do their ward rounds too. They don't ever have to do things like form filling or writing stuff down, the SHO and SpR do that for him. Hopefully I will get to that level some day =D
OH and on with the story, I went round with the special registrar and was writing up notes for him and just being looked at as a doctor with patients, after the round was over the SpR congratulated and said I had done a great job =D
OH, I took some blood this week!!! I had a few tries before hand but I finally got some blood! =D. Quite a lot as well, 3 vials worth of blood from a very sweet lady! Taking blood can be very difficult if you do not have experience and technique. Also the patient him/herself can make taking blood hard. They can be squeemish, they may be obese or have swollen arms/legs, they may already have had blood taken from some areas and those areas may be bruised and you can't take blood from there again. etc etc. But yeah, I took some blood successfully!! =D
ALSO, this week I have begun an audit with my FY1, SHO and a fellow student. An audit is basically a tool used to look at how the hospital is running. E.g. you could use the audit to look at the number of cardiac arrests in the months of sept/oct compared to the months of sept/oct last year and the years before. It will show you if things have improved or not essentially.
Other than the above, I got up to a lot of routine things too. Doing examinations, filling out blood forms, following the consultant on ward rounds etc.
In terms of social stuff......hmm this week has been pretty tame. Nothing really special. We had movie nights etc. Oh but yesterday I went to dinner with some friends and a friend had a bag stolen. We went to the police station to report it and as we were there a few other friends who were heading home found the bag and its contents scattered across the road. The bag only had books and other studenty stuff in it so the thief wasn't interested. Lucky for us, it turned a bad night back into a good night =D.
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